TMG Down under SUG


The purpose of this group is to learn, share and troubleshoot features of The Master Genealogist (TMG) family history program and companion or related programs like Second Site, Gedsite and Online Repository Assistant.  We also look at other family history programs which are trying to emulate the TMG experience, eg, History Research Environment (HRE).

At each meeting, we have a presentation on a feature of the software, followed by general discussion about discoveries, questions and issues that have arisen within the user group in the use of TMG or related programs.

Meeting Time

The TMG Down Under SUG meets (Australian Eastern Time) at:

  • 7:30pm on the second Tuesday of odd-numbered months, except January; and
  • 2:00pm on the second Saturday of even-numbered months, except December.

Meeting Place

Hybrid meetings via Zoom or in person at the Family History ACT (FHACT) Education room in Cook.  Some meetings may be Zoom only.

Who May Attend

You can join TMG Down Under (and attend the monthly meetings) by paying a $10 annual contribution to FHACT – on the main menu of this website, click on Membership > Join or Renew > Select a Membership Level > TMG Down Under subheading > continue as shown.


For more information about this group please Contact TMG Down Under SUG

Scheduled Events