Reminiscing The Way we Were

Any organisation lasting over 55 years has a lot of history.  Family History ACT, and in its earlier guise HAGSOC, has for many years gathered material for its archive that tracks the important events and accomplishments of the organisation. 

The lifeblood of Family History ACT has always been its members and volunteers.  The way we were takes a look at the history via the lens and eyes of our members, through photographs, oral histories and reminiscences.


Pam Ray Photo

Pam Ray

historians picnic


Janette James photo

Janette James

CLICK HERE to listen to Fellow Pam Ray talking about our trips to cemeteries to collect monumental inscriptions. (Interview recorded in November 2020 between Janette James and Pam Ray.)

VIEW the gallery of photographs from some of the cemetery trips.


Barbara Moore photograph

Barbara Moore

I just cant wait to get on the road again


Janette James photo

Janette James

CLICK HERE to listen to Life member and Fellow Barbara Moore talking about our trips to other family histories societies and like-minded groups to present a series of talks. (Interview recorded in September 2020 between Janette James and Barbara Moore)

VIEW the gallery of photographs from some of the roadshows.