FHACTs Birthday Hootananny

26th October 2021
By Cheryl Bollard
How does a genealogy society celebrate its birthday? With friends, music and cake of course!

Although we weren't able to celebrate our 57th birthday in person, thirty- four participants across four States and Territories took part in a virtual Scottish Hootananny with singer Fiona Ross on October 20 to mark the occasion.

Long term member Kerry Grey was our M.C for the evening, while President Rosemary McKenzie led us in a virtual cake cutting and birthday toast before handing over to well-known Scottish singer Fiona Ross. Fiona took us on a fun-filled journey through Scottish Folk songs, treating us to ballads, odes and laments and a very unusual instrument

FHACT is lucky enough to have many long term members including some that have been with the Society since it's beginning. Although not our longest serving member, special mention should be given to Grahame Thom who joined us from Melbourne. Grahame is celebrating his 50th year with the Society.

What's a birthday party without a cake? Members were asked to bring a cake to help celebrate the event and participants entered into the fun of the night in fine style with some very creative cakes. Seeing the cakes en masse was spectacular and our judge Janette James had a hard job deciding the best cake.

Marie with cake


Q. What sort of cake would you make to celebrate a Genealogy Society's Birthday?


A Brickwall cake of course!

 Or maybe even a Date cake!


The winning Brick wall cake was made by Marie Wensing (right) while an Honourable Mention was given to Peter and Shirley Harris' Date Cake (top left).


More stories and photos of the event will be available in the November Harbinger.






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