DNA SIG Meeting (Information)
The DNA SIG meeting is a hybrid meeting for members with an interest in DNA for their genealogy research. Members should register to attend this event by logging in and selecting the event with "(Register)" in the title.
The topic for this meeting is:
"Using autosomal data from our very close relatives"
This session will be a discussion of, and guidance about, using autosomal data from our very close relatives - our siblings, first cousins and, of course, our parents, including what are the benefits of testing close relatives, or gaining access to their results? This meeting will look at a wide range of benefits such as finding new matches, honing in on more likely genealogical relationships, extending WATO and better understanding genetic genealogy. We'll look at the biology of close-relative genetics and cover genetically equivalent relationships. But gathering such additional data raises problems of its own in terms of organisation, research logs, and using company tools across different testers - we'll look at options for dealing with them.
If you have something to share about using such data please contact us to help organise the meeting.
If you are interested in this event you might also be interested in the many other benefits of membership. See Membership Benefits for member benefits, or go straight to Join or Renew to join.
For more information about the activities of the DNA SIG, including details of future events, click here
9.30 am The Ordnance Survey of Ireland ...
2:00 pm Bruce Fairhall: Mastering use of the Master Place List in your project ...