Pauline's Parlour


To help members and New Members with their Family History Research, we are able to explore the websites, share ideas, and methods of researching, If you are beginning your family history, and not sure where to start or a member tearing your hair out, wondering about where to go or what to do next to find that elusive piece of information, come along to our sessions  of discussion with your problem, or just come along and join in, as we look for answers.

Meeting Time

There are 2 Sessions each month:  2nd Sunday of each month 11am-1pm and last Tuesday of each month 10am -12pm.

Australia Eastern Time

Meeting Place

Family History ACT (FHACT) 41 Templeton Street Cook ACT. Sunday meeting is in the Library and Tuesaday meeting is in the Education room.

Who May Attend?

For FHACT members it is free. Just come along.

Please join FHACT so that you can participate in Pauline's Parlour.


For more information about this group please Contact Pauline's Parlour


Scheduled Events