GRO Certificates for England & Wales

Family History ACT (FHACT) can order English or Welsh

  • Birth, Death or Marriage certificates in paper format;
  • Birth or Death certificates in PDF format; and
  • Birth or Death certificates in Digital format.

from the United Kingdom General Register Office (GRO) using index references supplied by you.

The GRO website describes the Digital format as follows: Image of a record that can not be used for official identification e.g. if applying for a passport, driving licence, or where required to give notice of marriage.

PDF format is only available for these records 

  • Births: 1837 - up to 100 years ago; and
  • Deaths: 1837 - 1957

Digital format is only available for these records 

  • Births: 1837 - up to 100 years ago; and
  • Deaths: 1837 - 1887

Paper certificates usually take between 3 and 4 weeks to be received. Digital certificates usually take 2 days and PDFs usually 1 week.

This service is available to both members of FHACT and non-members. Members receive a 20% discount.


Paper certificates (Birth, Death or Marriage) - Members $24, Non-members $30

PDF certificates (Birth or Death) - Members $16, Non-members $20

Digital certificates (Birth or Death) - Members $7.20, Non-members $9

Payment for the Certificates is to be made in advance. 


For each certificate you wish to order, the following mandatory information which must be exactly as in the GRO Index will be required. Do not add additional information that may be known.

  • Type of Certificate (Birth, Death or Marriage)
  • Year
  • Surname
  • Given name(s)
  • Registration district
  • Quarter
  • Volume
  • Page number


There are three ways to order these certificates.

1 Complete the English & Welsh GRO Request for each certificate then pay for the certificate(s) in the online store here You will need to select the quantity for each certificate format. Print the receipt emailed to you.


2 Print and complete this pro-forma, pay for the certificate(s) in the online store here then scan and email the pro-forma to the Contact GRO English & Welsh Certificates Print the receipt emailed to you.


3 Print and complete this pro-forma, take to the FHACT library during opening hours and hand the completed form & payment to the library assistant. A Receipt will be issued by the library assistant. 


Your receipt should be presented to the library assistant when the Certificates are collected.