Advertising in The Ancestral Searcher
Copy for advertising and contributions is required by the first day of the month preceding the month of publication.
Advertising in the journal:
Full page for four consecutive issues $330; half page for four consecutive issues $175;
Full page for one issue $110; half page for one issue $60.
Advertising in non-consecutive issues is charged at the single issue rate. 10% discount is available to advertisers who are members of the Society.
Advertising in the form of flyers can be included with the journal posting. These are to be supplied by the advertiser folded to A5 or smaller in size, cost for A5 20c, A4 30c and A3 or larger 50c per insert.
Readers’ Queries up to 60 words: members, no charge; non-members $35.00.
Payment is required at the time of submission. All prices include GST.
Please Contact the TAS Editor with any questions.